Our Preventive Maintenance Program (PMP) is a value-added service that ensures your machine is operating at optimum levels. It is not just Annual Maintenance contract; it is our commitment to customer satisfaction.

We believe the concept “Prevention is better than cure“. By maintaining the machine at regular intervals, machine break down can be avoided or reduced.

The PMP program contains 12 days of service per year, on monthly basis, for regular maintenance. We will program our visits, inform you accordingly. This also covers Break down calls, which will be attended on priority.

The first visit would be an Evaluation; we will study and explain the condition of the press.

We will recommend spare parts, as and when required, depending on the condition of the press. This will help you to budget your expenses and plan properly.

Our factory trained Engineer will thoroughly evaluate and calibrate your Mark Andy or Kluge press for the best performance.

Mechanical: Check for regular and abnormal wear and tear of parts

Check for leveling of press once in a year.

Electronics: Calibrate the main drive, web guide, rewind drives at regular intervals. This will take care of the critical / expensive controls and keep them in best conditions.

Benefits of PMP

Our PMP is an Investment, and not an expense. Investing in this program promotes:

  • Reduced down time
  • Increased productivity
  • Extended press life
  • Higher resale value
  • Consistency in Quality and Productivity

Request a Quote

Contact us to start Preventive Maintenance Program (PMP)  for your Mark Andy and Rotoflex machines now.

Email  service@flexoimagegraphics.com
